A kind great-grandmother from Retford has raised over £400 for Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice.


Mrs Millicent Clayton, was born in Corringham in January 1919, and has just celebrated her hundredth birthday.  Mrs Clayton decided that this year, instead of asking for presents for her milestone birthday celebrations, she would ask family and friends to donate to her local children’s hospice, to help children with life-shortening and life-threatening conditions.


Mrs Clayton said “I lived in Misterton after I married, and then moved to Retford in 1986. I’m a mother of one, a grandmother of two and a great-grandmother of six, and I was delighted that I raised £425 from my birthday party to help Bluebell Wood. It was a lovely feeling to be able to give the cheque to Wendy King from Bluebell Wood’s Retford Support Group.


Although I’m now a centenarian, I love darts and gardening, and still play dominoes, bingo and whist. I also enjoy travelling, particularly on whist holidays. I had a wonderful party and I’d like to thank everybody for their presents and generous donations.”


Mel Rose, Community Fundraiser, Bluebell Wood, said:


“Everyone at Bluebell Wood would like to wish Mrs Clayton a very happy birthday.  We’d also like to thank her, and her friends and family, for their wonderful donations. Her support and generosity means we could run a play session for families staying at the hospice every day for a month.  At Bluebell Wood, our vision is to live every day with love and laughter, creating treasured memories for families whether they have days, weeks, months or years together. Mrs Clayton has helped us do just that.”


If you live in the Retford or Worksop area, and would like more information on how you can help the 300 families supported every year by Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice, please get in touch with Mel Rose by calling 01909 517 365, visit Mel’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/MelBluebellWood/ or visit www.bluebellwood.org.