Junior was born in August 2012 at just 24 weeks old. He has hydrocephalus and can’t speak, walk or hear. His mammas, Colleen and Alison, share his story.

Colleen said “From the day he was born, Junior had lots of problems. He had two bleeds on his brain, causing hydrocephalus. When he was a couple of days old, he got a perforated bowel, which caused an infection called NEC, and he had to have nearly all of his bowel taken away.

“When he had the operation to remove his bowel, the doctors told us if he made it through the operation, he would only come back for us to say goodbye. But he’s our miracle boy, and he pulled through.”

Junior came home to his mammas at eleven months old, after a long time in hospital and lots of tests and operations.

Alison added “We were referred to Bluebell Wood once Junior was home. Once we stepped through the doors, we loved it. Junior loves the music room, playing guitar, the sensory room, and ball pool. We come for short breaks as a family, and also have day care from the hospice. This means we get a break for a few hours, knowing he is safe and well looked after.

“Bluebell Wood is the only place we ever leave Junior. He’s our treasure and like gold to us. To share that responsibility is a big thing for us. At Bluebell Wood, he can come and enjoy himself, and do things that other children can do. He’s not stuck in the same four walls – so it’s a release for him.”

“Junior often has seizures, where he totally stops breathing, and we have to give him mouth to mouth. The last time this happened he stopped breathing for 30 minutes, which was very frightening.

“He needs 24 hour care, has oxygen throughout the night, and needs his bedding changing three times a night. This can be exhausting for us, so Bluebell Wood gives us that break to get some sleep, and recharge. It means we can carry on.”


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