News News Football players bring festive joy to Bluebell Wood Children's Hospice Bluebell Wood football fans had their Christmas wishes come true with visits from South Yorkshire stars this festive season. Players from Sheffield United and Sheffield Wednesday met with families and children for photos, fun and even a kickabout! Dave McCarthy, Head of Operations at SUFC said: “As a club we look forward to this time of year when we can send our players and staff to visit our friends at Bluebell Wood and as usual, they had an amazing time. We have been working with Bluebell Wood for a long time now and have a great relationship. Everyone at the Hospice made them feel welcome and it was really nice to see some smiling faces and spread some Christmas cheer.’’ Ruth Wallbank, Regional Fundraising Manager said: “A big thank you to everyone at Sheffield Wednesday and Sheffield United football clubs for their visits and the kind gifts they provided for the families attending. “It was wonderful to welcome them into the hospice during the festive period and everyone had great fun making unforgettable memories.” Manage Cookie Preferences